Classes & Fees


  • Please see our Admissions Policy & Procedure
  • Below find the Annual School Fees for 2024 determined (divided into 12 monthly instalments)
  • Registration Admin Fees are once off, non refundable and not included in your School Fees.
  • Discount is available when enrolling more than one learner or with a once off payment for the year
  • All learners moving from other schools to SGA will have to undergo a Diagnostic Placement or School Readiness (Grade R for Grade 1) test at an additional cost prior to acceptance
  • There is a limit for enrolments per class due to space (also subject to Terms & Conditions)


Learners aged 4 turning 5 yrs in the year of admission

Registration Admin Fees: R650-00 pp
(payable with acceptance, non-refundable)

Tuition fees (for 1 year):
R14 400-00 pp
R1 200-00 per month for 12 months
Class size Limit – 14 learners

3. GRADE R: 

Registration Admin Fees: R650-00 pp
(payable with acceptance, non-refundable))

School fees (for 1 year):

R21 180-00 pp
R1 765-00 per month for 12 months
Class Limit – 16 learners

4. GRADE 1-3:

– Acceptance at a level determined by Availability, School Readiness and Diagnostic tests

Registration Admin Fees: R650-00
(payable with acceptance, non-refundable)

School fees (for 1 year; including curriculum fees estimate):

R22 500-00 pp
R1 875-00 per month for 12 months

5. GRADE 4&5 (Multigrade class)

– Acceptance at a level determined by Availability, School Readiness and Diagnostic tests

Registration Admin Fees: R650-00
(payable with acceptance, non-refundable)

School fees (for 1 year; including curriculum fees estimate):

R25 020-00 pp
R2 085-00 per month for 12 months

Compulsory equipment – a Laptop (4 gb Ram, wifi)
SGA Laptops/PC to rent:  a computer levy of R200-00 pm is payable

6. GRADE 6-8 (Multigrade class) : 

– Acceptance at a level determined by Availability and Diagnostic tests

Registration Admin Fees: R650-00
(payable with acceptance, non-refundable)

School fees (for 1 year; including curriculum licence fees estimate):

R25 020-00 pp
R2 085-00 per month for 12 months
****Curriculum fees might vary and is subject to the dollar exchange rate****

Compulsory equipment – a Laptop (4 gb Ram, wifi)
SGA Laptops/PC to rent:  a computer levy of R200-00 pm is payableSGA

6. After Care Service:

Registration Admin Fees: R250 pp (Once off, non-refundable)
***Open during school holidays at an added cost for the extra time during morning hours

Time Slots and Costs (per learner):

0-30Mins = R150 pm
30mins-2Hrs  = R400 pm
2-3 Hrs  =  R550 pm
3-4 Hrs   =  R700 pm
4-5 Hrs  =  R800 pm (Discount if SGA school learner – R550 pm)

Day Rate = R70-00 per day

7. Transport Service:

We offer a limited (numbers & distance) transport service for SGA enrolled learners in a radius of 5km from school at a rate of  R450-00 pm

Once off per day transport on special request (only for SGA learners):  R50-00

8. Holiday Program:

Fees for 2023 Holidays (if holiday program is confirmed):

Times: 08h00-17h00
Period: One week (To Be Confirmed)

9. Extramural Program Fees:

Fees will be determined by the type and frequency of activities, tournaments, competition or event.


The Application form is available at the Applications page. Please ensure to also complete the Terms & Conditions form. The Admission Policy and Procedure (available to download at the bottom of this page) will be followed for all new enrolments. This will include an interview with parents and possibly a diagnostic placement test of the learner for school readiness or entrance per academic level. Kids already enrolled in SGA will have the first option in progressing to the next grade class the following year. RE-registration required with a new updated school contract each year.